

Git Installation for Windows and Linux

Git Installation for Windows and Linux Lets move to the Installation of Git on Windows and Linux, to understand the basics of Git, check our early published post: Distributed Version Control System: Git Git on Windows – 1.) Download and run the software from ““. 2.) Accept GNU GPU, follow the instructions on installation wizard …

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Puppet Smoke Tests and Real Time Run

Puppet Smoke Tests and Real Time Run Thinknyx Configuration Management “Puppet Series”: for those who want to start with the base can go through below blogs first. Start Automation with Puppet Puppet Enterprise Stack Puppet Enterprise Master Installation Puppet Agent Installation Puppet Master-Agent Communication Model Puppet Certification Management Puppet Resources Puppet Resources-II Puppet Code Syntax …

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Puppet Code Syntax Checks

Puppet Code Syntax Checks Its time to move forward with the assurance of correct code syntax for the Puppet Code we have written, so far we have developed our expertise for below Puppet concepts: Start Automation with Puppet Puppet Enterprise Stack Puppet Enterprise Master Installation Puppet Agent Installation Puppet Master-Agent Communication Model Puppet Certification Management …

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Puppet Resources-II

Puppet Resources-II In continuation to Puppet Resource, lets extend the information gained in the previous post to some more real time examples. Lets create a “package” and “user” Puppet Codes using Core Puppet Resource types in the same way we have created file using “file” Resource type last time in Puppet Resource post. Lets see …

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Puppet Resources

Puppet Resources So far in Puppet Series at Thinknyx Technologies we have covered Installation and Configuration concepts: Start Automation with Puppet Puppet Enterprise Stack Puppet Enterprise Master Installation Puppet Agent Installation Puppet Master-Agent Communication Model Puppet Certification Management Now its time to learn about Infrastructure as a code concepts and building blocks using Puppet Configuration …

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Puppet Certification Management

Puppet Certification Management Before starting Puppet Certification Management, those who have missed the early posts can go through: Start Automation with Puppet Puppet Enterprise Stack Puppet Enterprise Master Installation Puppet Agent Installation Puppet Master-Agent Communication Model We have discussed about Facts, Catalog and Reports in our last post. Its time to understand how actually this …

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Puppet Flow

Puppet Master-Agent Communication Model

Puppet Master-Agent Communication Model We are done with concepts like Why Puppet, PE Stack, Puppet Master/Agent Installation: Start Automation with Puppet Puppet Enterprise Stack Puppet Enterprise Master Installation Puppet Agent Installation Its time to understand the communication mechanism for Puppet Master-Agent Model. The whole communication of Puppet relies on three terms called Facts, Catalogs and …

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Puppet Agent Installation

Puppet Agent Installation So far we have covered Puppet Automation base, Puppet Enterprise Stack and Puppet Master Server Installation: Start Automation with Puppet Puppet Enterprise Stack Puppet Enterprise Master Installation Let’s learn about the software packages, their versions and some of the important files before proceeding with the Puppet Agent Installation. Installed Package Details of …

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