Popular Jenkins Plug-in’s

We have learned about Continuous Integration, Introduction to Jenkins and Jenkins setup on Ubuntu server. Those we have missed, we suggest to go through below posts:

What is “Continuous Integration”

Introduction to Jenkins a CI tool

Jenkins Installation

Jenkins is the most powerful Integration tool available in the market and the complete credit goes to the great Jenkins community and treasure of 1300+ plug-in’s which actually allow Jenkins to get integrated with almost every  CI/CD tool available in market. Only thing required is the knowledge of suitable plugin.

Our recommendation is don’t install plug-in without checking the compatibility of the same with Jenkins as there are fair enough chances to get your jenkins server crashed due to compatibility issues. Also, one should check the compatibility of the plug-in and Application versions else this may result in break of functionality and ultimate Jenkins outage.

Below are few recommended plug-ins to be installed in Jenkins.

In our next post we will take a walk thorough to the Jenkins Console and will perform some basic operations.

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